##&## RESET TEST /DETAILED REGISTER EDITORESorry - These settings can only be changed by your League Coordinator LOCAL /LOCAL VIEW ROUTEINFO BBSINFO PLAYERLIST SCORES ZEROCHECK NODELIST PLANETARY INBOUND OUTBOUND UPDATE RECONUPDATE GOOIEREMOVE IPSETUP ALLIES RECON Global recons created. REQUEST'Global recons & recon requests created. LASTPACKETU & + 2 < A View RESULTS.TXT for analysisU F----------------------------------------------------------------------U F----------------------------------------------------------------------U Basic Setup LOCAL5Game is running in LOCAL Only (No Modem Support) Mode LOCKEDBAUD You have a Locked Baud Rate of FOSSIL;You are running BRE through a fossil driver (if it exists).DBRE is set to use it's own internal COM routines rather than Fossil. Your multitasking environment: Microsoft Windows Desqview GNOTE: If you are experiencing sluggish keyboard response or a generallyD slow game, try adding "Multitasker none" to your RESOURCE.DAT.U Last Player Information DOORFILE.SR RESULTS.TXTFIf anything is incorrect, there is a problem in the setup of the game.JTry running INSTALL again, possibly selecting a different doorfile option.U Routing Setup:Unless otherwise specified, all BBS's are routed directly. Data for BBS # goes to BBS #U EOur test shows that you are not a member of an Interplanetary League. Is this correct? No InterBBS9This game is not involved in a BRE Interplanetary League. InterBBS Setup Problems Your BBS Node Number: List of Known BBSes: 6Your BBS Node Number does not match any in the league. InterBBS Setup You are involved in BRE League # $Your Outbound Netmail Directory is "!Your Inbound Files Directory is " Error Frontdoor Intermail DBridge DBridge Old Binkley Other No Mailer Your mailer setting is "U RESULTS.TXTU BBS Name: BBS Node Number: ERROR: Node number is invalid. City: State: Country: STATUS: Nodelist updated. New Game Node Number: ERROR: Invalid Node.U Edit which Node? ERROR: Invalid Node.U Delete which Node? ERROR: Invalid Node. Are you sure you wish to delete U Nodelist Manager for Add New Node Edit Existing Node Delete Node B W v You are about to create a BBS.CFG! file for InterPlanetary warfare. Proceed? Sysop Name: BBS Name: EThe Net/Node Number should include zone only if BRNODES.DAT has it. Input as: (zone:)net/node Net/Node Number: =The Following questions are related to your front end mailer."Incoming FILES Directory: "Outbound NETMAIL Directory: #BRE InterPlanetary League Number: )Your mailer must be one of the following:@FRONTDOOR BINKLEY DBRIDGE DBRIDGEOLD OTHER NONEIDBRIDGEOLD is the setting that should be used for DBridge v1.32 and lower mailers Front End Mailer: Great! Your , file has been set up for you. Once you getDa BRNODES.DAT file from your coordinator, you'll be installed to theNInterplanetary League. For more info on this file, see the sample included in the samples directory.U < rx<~wt { " 1 9 F K P b g l t Entering Chat Mode Exiting Chat ModeU maintains the title of Planetary Master has usurped the title of from has captured the title of You have received Gold for being U Running Daily Maintenance Checking for Dead Empires! Updating Daily News BulletinA V ^\01 ^\0FDaily Bulletin^\01 ^\0B- ^\0A+ ^\0B% ^\01 ^\07Total Population: ^\03 ^\07Change: % ^\01 ^\07Total Regions: ^\03 k% ^\01 ^\07Total Net Worth: ^\03N ^\01 ^\07! Processing Covert Operations) Updating Investment/Loan Information WIn order to control collapsing interest rates, Banks have raised rates by ^\0F0.5^\07%.\In order to control skyrocketing investment rates, Banks have dropped rates by ^\0F0.5^\07%.EBecause of extensive investing, Banks investment rates fell by ^\0F0. ^\07%!BBecause of weak investing, Banks investment rates jumped by ^\0F0. Packing Trade Deals Packing Covert Operations Packing Treaties Awarding Planetary Master$ Depositing trading market money % Packing Duplicate Scanning Files. Processing Inbound Gooie Kablooie Attacks" Packing Inbound Gooie Attacks Checking for Old Recons Updating Transfer Times! Scanning for Duplicate Users Processing SpyGuys! Packing Various Data Packets Daily Maintainence CompleteU Planetary Maintenance Checking Daily Maintenance Updating Local Recon Info, Processing Incoming Data (May take a while) Purging Extraneous Netmail 4 This System does not allow BRE OUTBOUND this often. Updating Routing Data Updating NodeList Releasing Group Attacks Packing Group Attacks Packing IP Attack Information( Updating Outgoing Gooie Kablooie Status, Processing Outbound Data (May take a while) Checking for Any Lost Attacks Not a member of InterBBS League Planetary Maintenance CompleteU ( - 2 7 P U Z _ { !)!.!3!8!R! "6";"j"o" #:#X#|# $5$^$|$ %a%r% &/&@&M&Z&g&o&t&|& ')'7'?'D'L'S'f'w' *"*6*>*K*Z*b*o*t*y* +$+,+9+>+C+H+c+k+x+ ,&,;,L,i,q,~, -'-4-C-K-X-]-b-g-{- .3.;.H.W._.l.q.v.{. /$/)/./3/G/O/\/k/s/ 0$0,090H0P0]0b0g0q0v0 \*.MSG System Messages removed.U Enter Topic for list List of Topics Topic not foundU 0 M U b g l v { >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. Duplicate User Found on BBS # , Player U DUPES.TXT#List of Duplicate Users on this BBS#-----------------------------------A >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. Player duplicate found: Player on BBS # DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BR &;U_t &;E]t MidTurn StatusU =Minor civil revolts occur in the empire. A small section of your realm is lost.BTragic internal violence causes a portion of your empire to escape your rule!>Civil wars have broken out causing moderately serious damages!*A sizeable portion of your empire is lost!DSerious civil rebellions throughout your empire have caused a large !section of your empire to revolt!FMassive civil revolts have left your empire with a small piece of it's;original strength. Most of your empire has left your rule.( Troopers have fled your majesty's army.# Jets escaped from your cruel rule. Tanks have left the empire.U r?<(w; <)r><Your people are discontent. They complain often of your ways. Your people are happy.AYour people admire your ways and are happy living in your barony.7Your people admire you for your courage and leadership!:Your people have great faith in you as an excellent ruler! Your dominion gained million people. Your dominion lost units of food spoiled.,Riots have broken out due to high tax rates!2Your empire has collapsed due to a lack of people!''s Barony has collapsed to nothingness!U &+Ec& }a2~; / E M l "have been destroyed by terrorists!(have been captured by extraterrestrials!%have been lost in military practices.U troopers Jets Tanks Carriers + gold were stolen from your royal treasury!U }g@Bw GAME\EVENTS.DAT are found at a local tavern! are lost in military "errors". * B I Z r y And the battle beginsU You have Troopers, usable Jets, Tanks, and Bombers Send how many Troopers? How many Jets? How many Tanks? How many Bombers? A The empire's allies send Troopers and Tanks. GAME\BRWIN.DSP GAME\BRLOSE.DSP3Your forces have returned..Exhausted from battle... You lost Jets, Bombers. You destroyed Turrets, Jets. GAME\BRCRUSH.DSP9You have crushed the enemy completely! You captured all Regions!;You also get all the remains of your opponent's military..."You won the battle! You captured attacked and defeated you. You lost the battle! attacked you but lost. Tanks defending from U 33RSP 33RSP I'll sell you the weapon for gold. Deal?'Sorry...You can't afford one right now.U &)Eg& Hmm...So you want to Nuke , Eh? GAME\BRNUKE.DSP Nuclear Assault made! regions were rendered useless! nuked your empire! regions were reduced to Waste.U 3Hmm...So you want to cause chemical destruction in , Eh? GAME\BRCHEM.DSP Chemical Assault made! regions were rendered useless! In addition, million civilians were killed!- Used chemical warfare against your empire! Famine spreads in your empire!U /Hmm...So you want to cause famine and death in , Eh? GAME\BRBIO.DSP Biological Strike made! troopers were killed! In addition, million civilians were killed!M Used biological warfare against your empire! Famine spreads in your empire!U :Your allies will send the following to aid you in defense:3Name Troopers Tanks AgentsA NONE Total ForcesU Regular Attack Nuclear Attack Chemical Attack Biological Attack Attack Pirates Alliance Strength Visit Bank 6 J Q Y ^ c u - I Z d i w | !$!3!8!G!M!\!x! "."8"="K"P"X"_"h" #!#&#+#c#h#m#t# %$%<%Q%c%k%x%}% &!&6&D&K&]&p&w& '#'2'8'T'f'|' )#)-);)J)R)j) *$*6*=*G*O*d*r*y* +(+-+2+D+W+^+f+s+x+}+ , ,%,-,@,^,m,|, .(.4.O.f.w. /%/-/:/?/D/Q/t/|/ 02090E0S0r0 1)1<1C1K1X1]1b1q1 2*292H2M2W2f2l2 2H3V3[3o3w3 4S4f4 5"545@5H5U5Z5b5r5 6$6A6I6X6m6 787C7H7M7a7f7k7 8"8'8,8@8\8a8f8z8 9*9/949>9C9 :#:3:8:K:[:`:s: ;&;b;w; )Your HeadQuarters is already being built.+You have started work on your HeadQuarters. You cannot afford it! There are Regions available.INote: Region prices are constantly changing. Therefore, the region priceG shown is only the price for the first piece of territory you buy. You can afford regions."No land is available at this time. for sale. how many &;Ui| 6&;Egw0 &;Egv System Menu Visit Bank,Key Item Price # Owned You have ^\0F ^\07 gold and ^\0F ^\07turns. BSorry, in this game, you can only build military, not purchase it.U <1rj<9wf &+E & ' N [ o v ~ Enabled DisabledU Abdicate Visit Advisors Covert Operations Diplomacy Empire Status Food Market Game Setup InterBBS Scores Messages Preferences Set Tax Rate See Scores Trading Visit Bank Write Macros Set Industries Show Instructions Specialize Industry Spy Database Coordinator Vote Coordinator Menu Game Started: Turns per day: Protection Turns: Daily Land Creation: Planetary Tax Rate: Maximum Players: Bank Interest Rate: Investment Rate: Maintenance Costs: Region Cost Change: Trade Deal Costs: Attack Damage: Attack Rewards: Military purchasing: Enabled Disabled Limited This game is setup in InterBBS mode with boards in the game. Attack Costs: Terrorism Costs: $Maximum Individual Attacks Per Day: $Maximum Group Attacks Per Day: $Maximum Terrorist Ops Per Day: $Maximum Bombing Operations Per Day: $Days before "lost" forces returned: Gooie Kablooies: Bombing Ops: Missile Ops: This game is setup for Local mode only.(New Tax Rate [0-100, Current Tax Rate = GAME\BREINS.TXTU ) 5 A W ` e q "We currently produce a minimum of units of food per year.&We occasionally produce an additional units from rivers. The empire consumes units of food yearly.0This gives the empire a minimum food surplus of units per year.0This gives the empire a maximum food deficit of .At our current population, we can survive for many at least years.U Your yearly income was Gold, % of the world total.*Your barony's efficiency is approximately Gold per Region.$The global average is approximately U Hi, I'm , your military advisor.L Sire, your headquarters really needs to be constructed. It makes a large) difference in the strength of your TanksH We have a shortage of carriers in the empire. All of our jets cannot< be put to use in offensive attacks as it is right now.A 1 We are currently expecting attacks back from: Date Sent: Target: [Troopers = [Jets = [Tanks = [Bombers = ) Your total military force consists of Troopers, Jets, Turrets, Tanks, and Bombers.U Because of technology... Our military forces are functioning at % strength. producing regions are at % of normal production. food/ production techniques increased efficiency to industries are running at % efficiency. maintenance costs have been reduced to % of standard costs. SDI yearly funding needs have been lowered to % normal expenses. Food decay has been halted. is at % of standard levels. NOTE: 7Technology levels are relative to the number of regionsF in the empire. Larger empires need more advanced technology to 5 maintain the same efficiency as smaller realms.U 33RSP 33RSP Civilian Economic Military Technology # + 8 = B G Q V & 5 = J O T f k p !0!?!D!V!e!j!|! Edit Macro Ctrl- Editing Macro Ctrl- Press CTRL- to end edit. Aborted SavedU < rx<~wt Macro Editor Ctrl- Edit which macro D,E,F,R,I,O,K,L DATA\MACROS.BR DATA\MACROS.BR Dismantle Gooie Modify Diplomacy Global Recon Request View Diplomacy Are you positive?"Recon Requests Created to All BBSsU 0<3u# The current BBS Coordinator is Your vote is for: .Who do you feel should be the BBS Coordinator?U System Buy / Sell Troopers Turrets Bombers HeadQuarters Regions Covert Agents Tanks CarriersU ^\07 "You can't sell your HeadQuarters!!1NOTE: You cannot sell Regions, only drop them... how many &+Eg& &+Eg& ,Key Item Price # Owned You have ^\0F ^\07gold and ^\0F ^\07turns.U , ; @ X c w Your spy is successful!! Your agent was caught! was found spying on you. Please choose the second Empire. 'You can't set an empire up with itself!A 0You have Bribed Agents in the following Empires:A Choose An Empire> None7Bribed Agent will expose enemy operations for 24 Hours. C K P X u | per year SpecializedU Industrial Production Troopers Turrets Bombers Tanks Carriers Change Production? The remaining % will be used to produce Gold.U BIndustrial specialization increases the ability of your industriesIto develop a specific type of military unit. However, it decreases your Kability to produce all other equipment, and once you specialize, you cannotEreturn to normal or specialize in any other unit production. TradingGbetween specialized empires is the most efficient method of production. Troopers Turrets Bombers Tanks Carriers *Your industries have not been specialized.*Your industrial sector is now specialized.U GAME\BRPIRATE.DSP has captured Troopers Turrets Tanks AgentsU Send how many Troopers? How many Jets? How many Tanks? GAME\BRRAID.DSP Your efforts against have brought you success! *Gold Region Agent Trooper Turret Tank You took You could not successfully raid You lost Troopers, Jets, and Tanks.U 'Would you like to buy a lottery ticket? Choose your 6 letters: Winning Letters: You won ( gold! They will be placed in the bank.:Sorry. You did not win this time! Better luck next time!U $This option allows the user to skip during each turn. Visit Covert Menu Visit Trading Menu Visit Message Menu Use Enter To Exit BUY Menu Deposit gold at End of Turn Auto-Pay Maintenance Auto-Feed Empire Covert Operations Trading Messages F Q ` h s Enemy Tariff Trade Agreement Protective Trade Free Trade Agreement Terrorist Prevention Intelligence Alliance Protective Alliance Full Defense Alliance Declaration Of War View TreatiesU -* Relations *-6Id Empire Name RelationsA #Would you like to attach a message? DATA\TMSG.BRU GAME\BREINS.TXT proposed to &You do not have formal relations with Message sent to U DATA\TMSG.BR DATA\T.BR Message attached: proposes a Regions: ; Net Worth: ; Score: ; Accept? rejected accepted your proposal. declared on your empire. Your treaty with has been broken.U &;U_t &;E]t 6 ; P U a DATA\MSGS.DAT$Do you wish to send another message?U DATA\MSGS.DAT DATA\T.BRA Message From: The Game Itself >>UNKNOWN<< Message To : Reply, D Delete, Ignore, or Quit Reply Delete Ignore Quit Reading$Sorry, message is from the Computer. Sorry. Player not existant! ublic Reply, uthor only, or elect Destinations? Public Reply Author Only Select Empires Quote Message? First Line to Quote: Last Line to Quote: ^\03Quote From ^\0B You have no messages.U &;U_t &;E]t * L [ c p ~ """9"H"P"["j"r"}" #+#:#B#M#\#d#q# $7$<$A$x$}$ $6%H%M%h%p%{% &!&&&+&?&O&v&{& '!'&'+';'U']'j'y' 'FNOTE: Planetary Diplomacy is *not* official. This is used for you toI allow the gamers to learn of your status with other Planets. NoneJ of the info in this chart is official. (ie, none of this is forced) nor reported to the other planets. Diplomacy Modification Change status to one, eace, or lly? Planetary Treaties &Average Turn Around Times to All BBSes No Data hours daysU Send 1 Send how many Done. NOT SENT: You do not have enough carriers.&Trade deal not sent: nothing to trade. This trade deal will cost gold to send.+Sorry, you cannot afford to send this deal. Send this trade deal? Trade Deal sent. Trade Deal Cancelled.U >Your Trade Fleet couldn't get a response from the other Baron. +Your Trade Fleet could not find its target. A trade deal has arrived from The Baron requests He Offers 0Sorry, you cannot accept this deal at this time. Do you wish to accept? o, or gnore for now Accepted accepted your trade deal. Rejected rejected your trade deal. Ignored Trading Deal From: : Data Tampered withU &;U_t &;E]t &;EBs N C V ^ j | 3 8 = G L j r ! !%!*!?!W!l! !3"8"="K"S"k" # #-#2#7#I#X#`#o#~# # $%$*$?$Z$a$i$n$s$ %&%,%C%U%e%k% &+&9&G&U&c&o&w& '('>'P'X']'b't' (Q(~( )#).) <1rB<9w> 2Sorry, this option is not available in protection. Gooie Kablooie not existant.%Would you like to begin construction? It will cost your planet Million Gold to fund. Accept? agrees to put in million gold to the Gooie. * - Gooie Kablooie construction started on Target: Total Cost: Cost Left: -How many Million Gold do you wish to put in? Gooie Kablooie Complete.' - Gooie Kablooie funding completed on Launch to hours. Gooie is awaiting launch.U 'Do you wish to attack a Gooie Kablooie?BSorry! Only Jets can attack Gooie Kablooies due to their dynamic structure and you have no jets!C # From Strength Days Until Self-Destruct Enter Gooie Number Send how many Jets? # Jets were destroyed in the attack!A Gooie Kablooie DESTROYED! successfully destroyed a from Gooie Kablooie destroyed on % of the Gooie Destroyed!U No existant Gooie Kablooie Gooie Kablooie to dismantled. Gooie Kablooie from has been dismantled. " , ; C H M _ x You can't afford that!7Sorry, you have used all of your bombing ops for today.GNOTE: Bombing Operations require 500 Bombers to deliver their payloads. Send a bomb to BOMBING_OP(Mission Specialists sent out. You have bombing ops left today. The bomb was not sent.U |4&;Egv. Cost: Gold You cannot afford it.%Would you like to prepare the attack? Attack Launched.U G<7uC Bomb Food Market Bomb Trading Market Bomb Trade Routes Undermine Investments Nuclear Assault Chemical Bombing S3-Sabre Send SpyGuy EAll missiles and bombs require 500 Bombers to deliver their payloads.GThe cost of a nuclear assault depends on the size of the target barony.GThe attack will obliterate a portion of the target's empire into waste.AModern technology allows large numbers of turrets to repel nukes.DNOTE: Nuclear Attacks require 500 Bombers to deliver their payloads.HThe cost of a chemical bombing depends on the size of the target barony.3The bombs will instantaneously kill enemy citizens.JModern technology allows large numbers of tanks to repel Chemical weapons.ENOTE: Chemical Attacks require 500 Bombers to deliver their payloads.CThe S3-Sabre is a variable-return missile. Capable of a variety of@special effects, this missile, when controlled, can be extremelyEdevastating. However, the S-3's Dial-technology is not 100% accurateFmaking the missile impossible to control completely. In addition, forEreasons as of yet unknown, large quantities of Troopers on the target2empire are known to cause the missile to backfire.BNOTE: Sabre Attacks require 500 Bombers to deliver their payloads.>The Sabre missile comes with a dial which can set set anywhere@from 0 to 10. Depending on the number, the missile will performDdifferent tasks. However, the instruction manual did not tell which@number corresponds to which task, nor is the dial 100% accurate. Enter a number for the dial: A SpyGuy will cost gold per day. Select a BBS to Target)Sorry, but you cannot afford this action.,How many days would you like him to remain? AbortedU You can't afford that! Limit Terrorist Operations per day! Send Spy Bomb Intelligence Demoralize Cause Dissensions Bomb AirBases Stir Emigrations Spread Propaganda Bomb Food Stores Sabotage HQ Send how many? This will cost you gold. Accept? agent sent out.U |%&;Egv % 8 N \ f u } Send how many Troopers? Send how many Jets? Send how many Tanks? Send how many Bombers? Attack Aborted This attack will cost gold. Sorry, you can't afford that! Send this Attack?A 33RSP You can only create Group Strike(s) per day! Do you wish to target ( )ne Dominion or ( )ll? One Empire Entire PlanetA Wait how many Hours (12-120)? $ - Attack against our planet leaves hours. - Attack against leaves U .There are not any attack parties at this time. Planet Individual Target Troopers Jets Tanks Bombers LeaveO EYou must play one turn per entry into the game to access this option. +Sorry... You're under new realm protection. Join which group? You now have a % share in this attack.U You can only send individual Strike(s) per day! Normal Attack Quick Strike Extended Battle ATTACKU C J T Y " - 6 Q ] h s !,!C!S!X!k!{! !A"K"V"m"u" BBS Name: Date: Player Name: Player Letter: Regions: [Troopers= ] [Morale= [Jets= ] [Turrets= ] [Tanks=U Select Planet to view players: ;Sorry, but we have no information on players on that system.We have information on the following players: Select a player: # 8 = B O g r 33RSP 33RSP |$6;E Do you wish to visit the Bank? Your Armed Forces Require gold. How much will you give? + gold is required to maintain your regions. Your SDI Program requires 4 gold is required to decontamine some waste regions., gold is requested to boost popular support.. gold is requested to improve military morale. requires gold for Taxes.-Your actions may lead to DISASTEROUS results. Would you like to reconsider? ! Waste regions have been revived.U 0 7 ? L Q V h { Coastal River Agricultural Desert Industrial Urban Mountain Technology Waste Display MenuU Key Name Owned Your choice? GAME\BREINS.TXT how many regions? regions purchased.U Your choice? how many regions? 4Due to a lack of regions, your empire has collapsed. Thanks for playing!U Regions left Your choice? Quit How many regions? U % * R \ e Cash Relief / Loans Deposit Funds Withdraw Funds Investments List Investments / Loans View Bank Rates You have gold in hand and gold in the bank. ,Your Maximum Cash Relief limit is overdrawn.4When do you wish to pay your loan back [# of Days]? The loan rate will be % per day, totalling % interest overall. We will provide up to gold.#How many would you like to borrow? You owe gold in Days. Thank you!8Note that late payments will incur additional penalties. Deposit how many gold? gold deposited. Thank you!0The current interest returns on investments are There is now a day minimum on investments.,How many days would you like to invest for? #How much would you like to invest? %Returns expected to be approximately gold. Accept? Investment will be returned on Aborted Withdraw how many gold? gold withdrawn. Thank you!*Date Investments Loans Due Today In Hold Savings Interest Rate: Investing Interest Rate: ;Note: Interest is only paid in registered versions. (sorry)U &+Ek& &;Egv &+Eg& &;Ekv % * / 9 F S _ d l q ~ %Outbound data tampered with & deleted RECON_UPDATE CONFIGUPDATE PLAYER_LIST Routing_List DUMMY_DATA *Outbound data tampered with - data deleted BRE.LOC Error: OldSize: New Size: . OUTBOUND\ Outbound mail for - Node created.U Illegal Global Reset Attempted +Processed Corrupted/Unknown Packet - Size: Name: Truncated File - Ignoring Duplicate File - Ignoring Incomplete File - Ignoring CRC Invalid - Size: Name: \BRNODES. BRNODES.DAT ' Processing Incoming Data from Node / Removing Incoming Data from Unknown Node: U &Error: Could not Delete Inbound File: U BRNODES. BRNODES.DAT OUTBOUND\ NODELISTU BRNODES.DAT T p w ! !7!A!L!V!n!u! "0"S"_"i"n"s" "(#?#G# $!$&$R$ %!%)%=%]%f% &"&-&2&C&Q&^&l&~& '5'r' Type: *Corrupt Pkt* *Unknown Type* DId Empire Name For Sale Price Trading MarketMKey Name Your Prices Owned For Sale Total For Sale Your Choice? U (Your dominion is still under protection. SPECIAL.ANS1 Change your setup, or Buy from Market: That barony is not selling!A is selling for Buy how many bought. bought + from you. The check will arrive tomorrow. from you. Change Setup Enter new amount of for sale: Set new price: U & 6 L ] j DATA\GAME.DAT6Game files could not be opened. Please run BRE RESET.DERROR: Computer Clock has been tampered with. Please notify sysop.U Tried to close unopened game. DATA\GAME.TMP DATA\GAME.DAT DATA\GAME.OLD BACKUP\GAME.DATU ATTACK_RESULTS ATTACK -Outbound Attack deleted due to file tampering4Outbound Attack Check Not Valid - File Tampered WithU 1ERROR: Duplicate enemy attack received from BBS #A Invasion From Global Your forces ^\0Clost^\07 the battle! ^\0Bwon^\07 the battle! Trooper Bomber attacked! You also lost ^\0E ^\07 regions! Turret You lost 33RSP 33RSP 9Duplicate or Late Attack Return Recieved - Packet Deleted Group Attack Results. Target: Normal Attack Results. Target: Quick Strike Results. Target: "Extended Battle Results. Target: Date: Result: SUCCESS FAILURE NOT FOUND PROTECTED UNKNOWN(Your forces could not find their target!1Your forces found their target was in protection. Your forces were crushed by the enemy!!blew the enemy away and captured Regions! Trooper Bomber You lost Turret You destroyed returned.U $ - Attack against our planet leaves hours. - Attack against A leaves U (Missing-In-Transit Attack Found to BBS # - Returning ForcesA Attack Party Results. Target: Date: Result: Missing In Transit Troopers, Jets, Tanks, and Bombers have returned. 5 ` n 2 7 A P f l !!!(!A!R!W!_!f! "-"H"O"d" %-%9%j% &9&T&f& '/'I'c'{' (((7(<(F(U(Z(j(|( )'),)6)E)])l)q){) *,*;*@*J*Y*l*{* +:+e+ ,.,Y,n, ---2-:-Y-c-r- .'./.6.F.k.}. /$/./=/G/X/]/e/w/ 0#0+0=0E0[0`0j0y0 1 121D1L1\1r1w1|1 20272G2f2m2}2 4G4^4c4r4w4 5!5)50555D5I5S5_5e5w5 6)6;6J6O6Y6h6m6 737^7f7{7 9A9O: : ; ;1;I;U;e;~; ;,(>->@>R>a>f>p> ?#?2?7?A?P?U?_?n?~? @<@C@M@e@l@q@{@ A'A-AAA UNKNOWN ID #U DATA\LPKT.BR DATA\LPKT.BR LASTPKT.TXTDThis file lists the last date your BBS processed a packet from everyEother BBS. Note that you will never process packets from BBSes which are routing through others./BBS # Name Last Date> (Packet information stored in LASTPKT.TXTU TRADE_DEAL /Error: Duplicate Trade Deal arrived from BBS #A Trade Deal has arrived from They Shipped 1 They shipped Trade Deal arrived at SPY_GUY PACKET_DATA CRC-Error found on BBS # FileName: Came From: Packet Type: From: To: Error Occurred between BBSes # and BBS #U DATA\TIMES.BRU DATA\TIMES.BRU TIME_CHECKU TIME_CHECK removed.U DATA\REPORTS DATA\ DATA\REPORTS\ *.BR* OUTBOUND\ BRNODE*. v0.979A GLOBALRESET GLOBALRESET SPECIAL_OP SPECIAL_RESULT GAME\IPREPORT.DAT SABREHIT SPECIAL_OPERATIONSU GAME\IPREPORT.DAT SPECIAL_RESULTS SABRERETURN 7 G W ] l DATA\DUPE.BR DATA\DUPE.BR This is only for InterBBS Games.This option is only for the League Coordinator PLAYERS.LST Player : $Player Listing output to PLAYERS.LSTU Compress: Old: Size: %: U DeCompress: Old: New: %:U Compressed: Decompressed: %: Original: Compressed: U ! ) = D L e l ?Please ask your sysop to copy the BACKUP\*.* files to the DATA\Bdirectory and re-run BRE. If this does not work, the game must be reset using BRE RESET.BGAME.DAT corrupt - *FATAL ERROR* - Run BRE RESET to Reset 1Gooie Construction Cancelled: Data File TamperingU Gooie Kablooie launched to GOOIE_ATTACKU 9Error: Invalid CRC in incoming Gooie Kablooie from BBS #3Error: Duplicate Gooie Kablooie arrived from BBS #U Gooie Kablooie from destroyed regions! Gooie Kablooie -has been recreated due to datafile tampering! hit our Planet and destroyed " more regions in continued attack!% continues it's attack and destroyed MORE regions! GOOIE_RESULTSU Gooie Kablooie hits destroying regions and is still at % strength!U -Illegal Gooie Check: Gooie Kablooie recreatedU - Gooie Kablooie arrives from in approximately Hours. C - Gooie Kablooie destined for our planet is under construction at U / A K S Z _ n s } NEWS_DATAU REPORTU MESSAGE DATA\MSG.BRF You have 3 lines for your message. /S=save /A=abort /C=clearJ [---+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----] /-Command? [ ABORTED! Saving... Message cleared. Start over: % : O ^ c o ^ENDU ^ENDU GAME\IPREPORT.DAT BOMBING_HITS BOMBING_RESULTU GAME\IPREPORT.DAT BOMBING_RESULTS TERRORIST_OP TERRORIST_RESULT |A=0uv< An Agent from has been found! Agents from have been found! GAME\IPREPORT.DAT MULTI_TERRORIST_HITS SINGLE_TERRORIST_HIT ,< u( Date : Target: )-Your agents could not locate their target on =Your terrorists found that their target was under protection. agents of yours were caught in An agent of yours was caught in GAME\IPREPORT.DAT MULTI_TERRORIST_REPORT SINGLE_TERRORIST_REPORT ) 1 6 > E ^ w | GAME\COVERT.DAT COVERT_MISC COVERT_TARGET_FAIL COVERT_SENDER_FAIL BOMB_TARGET_HIT BOMB_SENDER_HIT COVERT_TARGET_HIT COVERT_SENDER_HITU 3 J w DATA\SPY.BRA DATA\SPY.BR DATA\SPY.BR SPY_REPORT Military Status of Troopers = Jets = Turrets = Tanks = Morale = %)Information added to Global Spy Data BankU CONFIGUPDATE ' deleted - Too many players in the game Invalid Configuration Update # found and ignored; Likely BRE-Config Check Error - Resetting Checking SystemU &+E:& : V m Error opening News file: U $Today's News Ascii filename invalid. Barren Realms Elite v0.979": News File L----------------------------------------------------------------------------#Today's News Ansi filename invalid. : News File ^\0F NORMALWIN NORMALLOSS TOTALWIN BIO PIRATEWIN PIRATELOSS GAME\NEWS.DAT regions IP-ATT-GROUPBBSLOSS IP-ATT-GROUPBBSWIN IP-ATT-GROUPSINGLELOSS IP-ATT-INDIVLOSS IP-ATT-GROUPSINGLEWIN IP-ATT-INDIVWIN IP-RET-GROUPBBSLOSS IP-RET-GROUPBBSWIN IP-RET-GROUPSINGLELOSS IP-RET-INDIVLOSS IP-RET-GROUPSINGLEWIN IP-RET-INDIVWIN IP-RET-KILL GAME\IPNEWS.DAT GAME\NEWS.DAT CIVILWARU GAME\NEWS.DAT RIOTSU S has decided to help build global defenses by donating to every empire in the land! I hope ^\0F# ^\07troopers aids your battle. - N, suddenly worried about inflation, is raising investment rates by ^\0F1^\07%!H, reacting to low inflation, is lowering investment rates by ^\0F1^\07%!5 is lowering taxes to decrease wealth redistribution.3 is raising planetary taxes to redistribute wealth.W proclaims, "I am not a Crook!", offering bribes to maintain the support of the barons!^ proclaims, "Ask not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you!" and distributes Gold! I offer you ^\0F' ^\07Gold to aid in your conquests. - U &;ED}` &;ED~R &)EB& ! ' , 6 Q h n s } DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BR DATA\REPORTS DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BRU U $PAUSE Continue? ( DATA\RECONS.BRU DATA\RECONS.BRU RECON_REQUESTU RECON_UPDATE v0.979U BBSINFO.LSTJ### BBS Name Last Recon BRE Version ) No Recons Recieved!Information output to BBSINFO.LSTU * 8 = B W b o t y $ReIniting IP Data File PLANET.BRE... DATA\PLANET.BRE DATA\PLANET.BRE ERROR: DATA\PLANET.BRE missing.(Fatal error: DATA\PLANET.BRE open error. DATA\PLANET.BRE ERROR: DATA\PLANET.BRE missing.(Fatal error: DATA\PLANET.BRE open error. DATA\BRE.LOC DATA\BRE.NEW BRNODES.DATU COORD.KEY COORD.KEY DATA\ALLIES.BRU DATA\ALLIES.BRU System $Error reading Nodelist: Node Number Invalid BBS.CFG FRONTDOOR INTERMAIL BINKLEY DBRIDGE DBRIDGEOLD OTHER \OUTBOUND\ INTL FLAGS KFSU GAME\NODEDAT.U + O Y ^ c v %WARNING: Illegal routing setup: BBS # does not exist.U ROUTE.CFG ROUTE Illegal routing line found: CRASH NORMALU DATA\ROUTES.DATU DATA\ROUTES.DAT Failed Build of Route List File DATA\ROUTES.DAT Failed Build of Route List File )This option is only for Coordinator BBSes ROUTES.LST ROUTES.BAD'File containing all route information: 'File containing bad route information: Routing Paths of BBS # ------------------------- Information missing for BBS # To BBS # "Routing Circle Detected from BBS # to BBS # *** Routing Circle Found Illegal Route Found from BBS # *** Illegal Route FoundU PROBLEMS.LOG Opening file : unable to rewrite, Error # Erasing file : Error # Renaming file : Error # Reading file : Error # reading record #U Writing file : Error # writing record #U Seeking file : attempted seek to U I N U ] \*.MSGU Food Unlimited Crazy Gold Bank BULLETIN\SCORES.ANS BULLETIN\SCORES.TXT BULLETIN\TDYNEWS.ANS BULLETIN\YESNEWS.ANS BULLETIN\TDYNEWS.TXT BULLETIN\YESNEWS.TXT The Queen Royale BRSCORES.DAT Top BBSes (Regions) Top BBSes (Networth) Top BBSes (Score) Top BBSes (Regions/Player) Top BBSes (Networth/Player) Top Players (Score) Top Players (NetWorth) Top Players (NetWorth/Region) Top Players (Regions) FOODMARKETNAME BANKNAME DIPLOMACY MESSAGES TRADING TRADINGMARKET COVERTOPS MACROS ANSISCORES ASCIISCORES TODAYNEWSANSI YESTERDAYNEWSANSI TODAYNEWSASCII YESTERDAYNEWSASCII IPPIRATENEWS LOCALPIRATENEWS DELETIONDAYS MINOUTBOUNDTIME PURGENETMAIL STRICTPROCESSING LEADER LOTTERY EXTERNALSCORESANSI EXTERNALSCORESASCII EXTERNALSCORESNAME RECONUPDATE OLDESTRECON TIMINGCHECKU 6 @ N ^ k q { BRSCORES.DAT=Configuration File Missing: Please Run "BRSCORES.EXE CONFIG" PIRATENAME PIRATECOLOR BRREG.DATU BRREG.DATU INUSE.FLGU INUSE.FLG>Sorry, someone is currently playing this game on another node. Exiting to BBSCIf this is a single-node BBS or if the game is NOT running anywhere=Else, please tell your Sysop to delete INUSE.FLG. Thank you.HIf this file exists, then this game thinks that it is running somewhere.3(On another node) If not, please delete this file!U Run-Time error # occurred at DOORFILE.SR+Can't find DOORFILE.SR. Please run SRDOOR. LOCKBAUDRATE LOCKEDBAUD /LOCKED=U FOSSIL FALSE BIOSU